
creating Craig, the voice channel recording bot for Discord

  • 1,464 members
  • 25 posts

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- Role in Craig's Discord server - Relax! Your audio will be kept for 14 days instead of the usual 7. - Avatar glowers! Craig will generate video files for each participant in a chat of their avatar glowing in time with their speaking. - Cloud backup functionality! The ability to link your account with cloud services to provide an active backup of all recordings (Previously available to all users, this perk was restricted to Patrons due to Google issues Yahweasel faced). Current cloud providers: Google Drive, MS OneDrive

  • Discord access 
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More power!
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- All of the above - Support for the Craig Webapp recording in 24-bit FLAC. This means your recordings will be nearly identical to those you would've gotten by asking each user to record separately.

  • Discord access 
MP3 God
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Limited (2 remaining)

- All of the above

- Access to all of that in MP3 format, without being harassed, if you want that for some reason.

  • Discord access 
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